Apache SQOOP (SQL-to-Hadoop) is a tool designed to import bulk Data into HDFS from Structured data stores such as Relational databases [RDBMS], enterprise data warehouses, and NoSQL systems.
In beginning of Ingestion Phase, We pull the structured data from RDBMS (Source layer) to HDFS in Hadoop with the help of Data Ingestion Tools (given with example Companies) such as:
a) SQOOP (Bank of America)
c) TALEND (Bank of England)
d) KAFKA (Cap Gemini)
e) Rest API (HCL)
f) SOAP Services
In other words, importing the Data from RDBMS to HDFS in Hadoop system
is called "SQOOP Import Process".
Data in SQOOP will be saved in the form of "Part File".
This is how Sqoop got its name -“SQL to Hadoop & Hadoop to SQL”. Sqoop does not perform any aggregations it just imports and exports the data.
Structured Data in RDBMS can be processed with the help of language
called ‘Structured Query Language’
Applications of RDBMS server:
a) a) Education [Universities]
a) b) Retail [Amazon, Flipkart, Walmart, etc.]
a) c) Automobile [BMW, Audi, etc.]
a) d) Insurance
RDBMS has advantage over DBMS in removing Duplication of Data and
We store the data only in RDBMS because of ACID Properties which is
DML (Insert, Update & Delete) operation.
Different Kinds of RDBMS
a) Oracle RDB
a) b) MySQL
c) c) Postgres
a) d) Teradata
a) e) Netezza
a) f) DB2
a) g) Informix
JDBC (Java Data Base
Connector) is a connector that connects SQOOP to RDBMS Server.
Sqoop is rarely
using now-a-days for data import.
Steps in SQOOP Import Architecture:
a) Create
Record Container Class
Internally, RDBMS is built on SQL while HDFS is built on
We know that SQL is a Query Language while JAVA is a Programming Language.
Integer & firstname à
varchar; while in
HDFS, ID à Integer & firstname à string
b) Boundary
Query Creation
Help to run multiple no. of Records (say 1 lac) with the help of Mappers (say 4).
c) Data Import [with available 4 Mappers]
Out of 3, Data Import step will take much time.
Based on the no. of Mappers, SQOOP make same no. of Connectors with
RDBMS to import data.
Default File format of Sqoop Import is textfile through which stored the data in HDFS.
SQOOP Import requires following:
b) Username
c) Password
d) Table Name
e) Table Directory
Let's Workouts with example:
1) 1) Use
retail_db and create tables:
1) 2) Create
and Select the test database:
create database test;
1) 3) CREATE
TABLE user_data(userid
INT,firstname VARCHAR(20),lastname VARCHAR(20),city varchar(50),age int,createdt
date,transactamt int);
insert into user_data values(1,'siva','Raj','chennai',33,'2015-09-20',100000);
insert into user_data
insert into user_data
values(3,'harish','kumar','banglore',39,'2015 -09-23',90000);
insert into user_data values(4,'azar','imran','hyderabad',33,'2015-09-24',1000);
insert into user_data values(5,'Kiran','kumar','chennai',23,'2015-09-20',200000);
1) 4) Select * from
user_data; [table name]
Above data will be store in RDBMS.
Host Id will be given by Client.
Check with HDFS:
Cloudera is a single node cluster while Cloudxlab is a 5 node cluster.
1) 5) Import
Table from SQL to HDFS:
A)a) sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password cloudera --table user_data -m 1; hadoop fs -rm -r /user/cloudera/user_data
Map Reduce will run:
b) sqoop import --connect
jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password cloudera --table user_data -m 1; --target-dir /user/cloudera/second_imp
Data will be stored in the HDFS in the form of file system call “Part File”.
c) sqoop import --connect
jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password cloudera -table user_data -m 1 --direct; hadoop fs -rm
-r /user/cloudera/user_data
In entire, Sqoop only Mapper will run not Reducer.
Success Marker tells whether your job done successfully or not.
Success marker only run once.
f) Import with --split-by option
If you want to use more than 1 Mapper, then use - -Split-by along with custid (column) command.
If we create a table with Primary Key, then no need to mention ‘Split-by option’.
Primary Key in Table inside RDBMS split the data to HDFS even without
using the command ‘split-by’.
--direct is Sqoop import property.
g) Sqoop
Using Sqoop, we can see the Data present in MySQL server from the Edge
Node using the command called ‘Sqoop
Eval’. We can insert and update data using command ‘sqoop eval’.
DATA: In Real Time, we have 2
types of Data:
A) A) Static Data [new record everyday]
A) B) Dynamic Data / Delta Data / Incremental Modified
Data which is CDC (Change Data Capture)
A) A) Static Data:
New Records data added every day is called ‘Static Data’ which cannot
be modified.
Static Data in Sqoop can be
modified using Incremental Append
which takes from ‘0’ value of cust / user id – 1.
Execute below insert in mysql:
Add new 7th Row:
First press “Ctrl C” to exit from mysql and give below command in
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password cloudera -table user_data -m 1 --target-dir incrimport --incremental append --check-column custid --last-value 6
Now again enter into mysql:
a) Check Column
b) Last Value
By giving “Last Value” number (user id / cust id), the particular row will get import into HDFS through Sqoop import. Finally, all the records got imported to Hadoop HDFS.
Use “Sqoop Job” in order to automate the Last Value (‘0’ only) as problem with the Incremental Append is that every time we need to change the Last Value.
i) Create Sqoop Job First:
sqoop job --create Class10_SqoopJb -- import --connect
jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root --password cloudera -table user_data -m 1 --target-dir incrimport
--incremental append --check-column custid --last-value 0
ii) Now List the Sqoop Job using - -list command:
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ cd .sqoop
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ echo -n "cloudera" >
To check last lines, give below command:
Give below
command, to read the password file only by you:
[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ chmod 400 sqp.password
See above, only we can read the password file. Finally move the
password file to HDFS using “put” command.
A) B) Dynamic Data:
Dynamic Data in
Sqoop can handle modified data (Delta Load) on day to day basis by
using command “- -incremental lastmodified’
where Reducer (instead of Mapper)
will run the process in HDFS during import.
Sequence File is the Binary
format where humans cannot read the data which used to store the Key Value
Command: - -as-avrodatafile
2 types of Data Standardization in AVRO:
a) a) AVRO SCHEMA (Human readable data)
a) b) AVRO DATA (in Binary format)
Parquet file format use by
Spark to store data is developed by Cloudera together with Twitter.
All our Outputs get store in Parquet file format which is also called
Columnar Storage where retrieval is very fast.
So far, we have learned Sqoop import of one (1) table only.
There is a command for Sqoop import
of all tables (say more than 1 table).
The Sqoop
import-all-tables are a tool for importing a set of tables from the
relational database to the Hadoop Distributed File System. On importing the set
of tables, the data from each table is stored in the separate directory in HDFS.
sqoop import-all-tables
To import Single Table – Target
Directory is in use.
To import Multiple Tables – Warehouse
Directory should be use.
j) SQOOP EXPORT is transferring data from HDFS to RDBMS using PYSPARK.
Sqoop Export has 3 steps:
a) a) Record
Container Class [HDFS (Java) file to RDBMS (SQL) Database]
a) b) Mapper Launch (1 mapper for every
1 GB à
1*1024/128 = 8 Blocks – 8 mappers to transfer the data.
c) Data Export will take place.
sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --username root
--password cloudera --table customer_data --export-dir imp_del;
Saving the data in RDBMS is called ‘Committing’ the Data.
Data from HDFS (part file) first export to Staging table then to Production table. This process is called ‘Transactionality’.
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