A table in Hive is a set of data that uses a schema to sort the data by given identifiers.
The way of creating tables in the hive is very much similar to the way we create tables in SQL.
We can perform the various operations with these tables like Joins, Filtering, etc.
file of Hive is hive-site.xml
Type “vi hive-site.xml”
Go to
Windows tab in Cloudera, Click on HUE.
Sign In
into Hue as
Go to File Browser (Hue) – Cloudera Windows.
Click on ‘user’.
Click on ‘warehouse’.
See the database which we have created.
See there are no tables inside.
Since this is warehouse, you cannot create data inside table but
can load the data from hdfs using delimiter.
hive> create table t1(id int,name string,salary int) row format
delimited fields terminated by ‘,’;
Take one data in Cloudera insert into Hive.
Type ‘show tables’ to check whether
the table is created or not.
But no
data inside table here:
We can
only load data into the Hive.
See the table t1 in database, but we don’t have a data till now.
load data local inpath ‘/home/cloudera/employee_data.txt’ into table t1;
loading will happen in above command.
Hive> select * from t1;
Hive> describe formatted t1;
Two Types of Tables in Hive:
- Internal table
- External table
- Let's create an internal table by using the following command:-
- Let's see the metadata of the created table by using the following command:-
Check in
As the table is external, the data is not present in the Hive directory. Therefore, if we try to drop the table, the metadata of the table will be deleted, but the data still exists.
To create an external table, follow the below steps: -
- Let's create a directory on HDFS by using the following command: -
- hdfs dfs -mkdir /HiveDirectory
- Now, store the file on the created directory.
- hdfs dfs -put hive/emp_details /HiveDirectory
- Let's create an external table using the following command: -
Create External table à
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