
Monday, April 11, 2022

Basic Concepts of Scala (Class -23)

 Before writing Scala Programming Language, we need to know basic Scala concepts:

Basic Scala Concepts




a blueprint that defines the states and behaviors related to it.

Fields, variables, function objects, methods


an instance of a Class. it has states and behavior.  It is created using the new keyword.

var obj = new Class();


a block of code that can perform a certain amount of tasks.

def methodName (parameters) : (return Type)


variables defined inside the Class body. states of Objects.

Mutable fields (var) and Immutable fields (val).


a function whose value depends on the value of multiple variables that are declared outside the function.

val multiplier = (i:Int) => i * 10


 just like classes they have fields and methods but multiple traits can be used together(inherited) to increase the functionality of a class.

trait trait_name {
     def method()

Wrapper Class

used to put primitive data value into an object.

Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, Boolean


are the names given to a class, method, variable or object to identify them in the program.

myObject, main, args, value1. etc. (not keywords / digits)

Code block

multiple lines of code that have only one entry and one exit point.

{ } used in methods, class definition, loop statements and logic.


reference to a memory location where data is stored.

val, var & lazy.

Data Types

tells the compiler about the type of data that is used by the programmer.

Boolean, Integer, Float, Double, Char, String, Nothing, Any, anyRef, anyVar, etc.

any' class

Superclass of all classes in Scala.  Root of the class hierarchy.

Two subclasses they are: 1) anyRef, 2) anyVar


subtype of all types in Scala.

Nothing is a subtype of Char, Float, Int.

Lazy variable

saves memory when variables declared are not used while object creation.

lazy val

Type interface

used to make the declaration of data type optional.

compilers work to detect the data type.


tell the compiler to perform a specific operation.

Plus (+), And (&), Or (I), etc.

Numeric type

deals with all types that are stored in Integers and Decimals.

Float, Double, Int, Short, Long

Unit type

used as a return statement for a function when no value is to be returned.

compared to void data type and is a subclass of anytype trait.


container that contains one single value which can be one of the two distinct values.

One of the two values is 'none' and others can be any object valid in the program.

Basic program

three parts - the Class definition, Main() function and the Print statement.

object MyClass {
        def main(args: Array[String]) {
         print("Hello World!"); } }

Method parameters

hose variables which are passed to the method while calling the method.

add(a:Int , b:Int)


basic constants value that can be assigned to a variable.

var i = 10L; var I = 123.54d


 A line of code that can be compiled and has some resultant value. These are displayed on screen using println statements.

println(45 * 24332);


a reusable chunk of code that can perform the operation on the value passed as a parameter.

val result = (mark: Float )


multiple statements that are enclosed between curly braces.

{ // statement 1
    // statement 2  … }

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