Class is nothing but blueprint for creating an object.
e.g.:- variables, function objects,
methods, etc.
2) Include
Methods and Function Object (Anonymous) inside a Class.
3) Now assign
an Object to a Class. We create Object from a Class by using ‘new’ keyword.
4) Join
Method to an Object.
5) Join
Function Object (func obj.) to a main Object.
6) Final output with the help of elements and variables.
are function inside a Class.
Class Name is sparkBook.
Class Members are bookID, bookName,
BookAuthor, etc.
Class Method is printBookDetails()…
below “book” is the Object assigned to above Class. See ‘new’ keyword to class
to create an object.
call the method (printBookDetails) through the Object (book) to get the output:
prodtm…. Is the method, while val
prd…. Is the function object.
Variables to a Class:
Objects in Scala:
The word “object” has a dual meaning in Scala. As with Java, you use it to refer to an instance of a class, but in Scala, object is also a keyword.
a) We can assign an object to other object.
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