Identifiers in a programming language are the names given to a class, method, variable or object to identify them in the program.
e.g.:- myObject, main, args, value1, etc.
Rules to declare an
a) You cannot use
a Scala keyword as identifier in Scala. E.g., class is
not a valid identifier.
b) Reserved words
cannot be used as identifiers in Scala. E.g., $ cannot be an
c) There is no upper
limit to the number of characters used in the identifier. “WelcomeToScalaPL”
is also a valid identifier.
d) An identifier
cannot start with digits. Example, 3821Scala is not a valid
e) Scala identifiers
are case-sensitive. Example, isgreater and isGreater are
different identifiers.
Types of identifiers
In Scala, we have 4 different types of identifiers defined. They
- Alphanumeric Identifiers
- Operator Identifiers
- Mixed Identifiers
- Literal Identifiers
1) Alphanumeric Identifier
As the name suggests, these identifiers are named using alphabets
and numbers and underscore. As an identifier cannot start with a number, the
start of an alphanumeric identifier is underscore (_) or a character followed
by a number.
e.g.: scala456, _value1, value_2, etc.
2) Operator
This type of identifier contains only operators i.e., they are a
combination of one or more operators in Scala. The operators include '+', '#',
'*', '<='.
3) Mixed
As the name suggests, these types of identifiers are a mixture of
the above stated two types of identifiers. It contains an alphanumeric
identifier followed by an operator identifier with an underscore in between. E.g.:-
val_+, avg_=, etc.
4) Literal Identifier
A string literal used as an identifier in Scala is a literal
identifier. These are strings enclosed inside ticks ('...'). e.g.:- ‘value’, ‘result’, etc.
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